Saving swf to hard drive?

9 Mar 2004

ive tried my attempts at trying to save a swf from the internet onto my hard drive, the swf file is located at

ive tried using the so called flash movie savers, but it only saves the white frame and no animation or user interface (ie buttons etc)

can anyone save this to their hard drive? if you can i will be the happiest man alive!!

please, please help me do this if you are able to

iCraig said:
Begs the question as to why you would want it though.
Why? Some flash games etc are pretty cool and some people might want to store them locally.
A clumsy (but often sufficient) way of getting at some flash files is to check your Temporary Internet Files folder.
Begs the question as to why you would want it though.

I was not interested in decompiling it, i just simply am a big fan of David Blaine and wanted to have a copy of his website.

Thanks DarkJedi for the help

if you want to do this in the future just use a SWF decompiler, 'Sothink' is a good one

Is this the program which you used to get the file i wanted?

Thanks again
DarkJedi said:
no problem,

if you want to do this in the future just use a SWF decompiler, 'Sothink' is a good one (doing this IS perfectly legal btw).

Not if he is using the code out of it, then its a copyright violation.
i just need to ask one more thing, i go to the page and now ive noticed there is a hidden feature int he swf, first click to enter, then you will see the rocks come apart, now clock on the bottom left, then top left, then bottom right then top right rock, as you are doing this you will see the middle become brighter, and then a small movie will start.

Im trying to save this movie which loads, ive checked temp internet files and i get a fiel saying splash_secretvideo-A_0001[1].swf i think this maybe the file, but when i load it from my hard drive, i just get a blank screen

can you please help in downloading this movie which loads?

Thanks again for your help so far
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