All three of the Saw films were appalling in my opinion. Well, I didn't even bother to watch 3, as the second one was so bad and made me feel so ill. I didn't even watch the end of Saw.. Really tasteless, poor films. My humble opinion of course.
naffa said:
All three of the Saw films were appalling in my opinion. Well, I didn't even bother to watch 3, as the second one was so bad and made me feel so ill. I didn't even watch the end of Saw.. Really tasteless, poor films. My humble opinion of course.

I just like seeing the different deaths some are totally messed up they make me laugh! :D the missus couldn't sit through the whole of no.3 was quite funny.
naffa said:
All three of the Saw films were appalling in my opinion. Well, I didn't even bother to watch 3, as the second one was so bad and made me feel so ill. I didn't even watch the end of Saw.. Really tasteless, poor films. My humble opinion of course.

I agree its just porn of violence.
I just watched Saw 3 last night.

The acting was good, better than the crappy ones from 2 where you had no empathy for them.

The plot is good but is rendered useless in literally the last 2 minutes of the movie.

Jigsaw has so far self justified the traps as punishment for their mis deeds in life but given the circumstances of the characters in the 3rd he is not even sticking to rules of the game.

I found it very difficult to watch, not just because of the gorefest but the emotional side as the circumstances are not uncommon so wondered how on earth people who have experienced that in real feel when watching a movie essentially mocking them.
johnnyfive said:
Saw 1 was planned really well with a great twist.

Saw 2 was really bad.

Not bothered watching the 3rd.

I agree, the first was very well thought out and worked well. Tjhe second was more just about violence and teenagers and whilst being a gore fest was not that good.

The third one, I watched 10 minutes of it and gave up. I may watch it again.
i just watch them for the death scenes to be honest, there are some very sick and twisted people making these films, the 4th one seems like its going back to the jist of the 1st one with that preview








Is jigsaw not contracted for 6 films though? surely after 3 its going to be the woman who was with him trying to carry on his legacy as it were, unless she somehow saves him, which i cant see happening?

So is he only going to appear in the later 3 films on the tapes or what???
saw all 3, if i'm being honest i thought the 1st 2 werent that bad, the 3rd was pretty awful and so gorey, but i will have to watch 4 to find out how bad they are getting
i must have missed something in these films, i didnt think they were that gorey at all, especially the 1st which was more psycological. 2nd was just your typical hollywood by the numbers teen death movie, nastiest bit was probably the needle pit bit the rest was pretty dull, 3rd was a fun film and again didnt think it was that gorey at all. Will have to go back anc re-watch them :)

I cant quite see how 4 will work out due to the ending of number 3 though. Havnt seen the trailer yet as im at work.
1 - i enjoyed, very psychological
2 - enjoyed for the follow on from 1
3 - tried to link from 1 & 2, failed really - and actually made me throw up twice; having done forensics i know the smell of what was coming out on those hooks! and its not nice, and watching it brough all the smells back and i just yacked.
4 - from that trailer, who knows! looks like a "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" kinda thing. where they're going to have to work together to get out of whatever torture device they're in.
I like the old saw 4 trailer best, the one with the guy on the bike... Laughed for 10 minutes straight the first time i saw it.
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