Saw 'tardy event...

2 Nov 2004
Went to fuel my car and in front of me I watched as a man casually filled a petrol can, then placed it on the passenger seat before he drove off...

Lets hope he doesn't have to emergency stop...
This reminds me of something I saw the other week.

Travelling home from Blackburn on the M6, a woman had a load of plants in her passenger seat. God only knows how she can see her mirror properly...
When I was at university I'd often get lifts back home from uni' with a mate, as I was on his way down the M1. The fuel guage in his Fiesta didn't work, so he'd brim the tank and put a plastic jerry can behind the driver's seat.

He'd smoke too :eek:
cleanbluesky said:
Unless he hits something. That woulnd't be pleasant

It'd have to be a big accident to split the fuel can if it was kept in the passenger compartment. A bit of fire would most likely be the least of your worries.
Fuel can + seat - 15mph crash projects can into dash, lid sheers off can splits now a fire in such a slow crash is not likely but if you get fuel up your nose it will stop you from breathing = death.
not as scary as being in any petrol station in france where anyone from the age of 12 upwards is smoking!
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