Say something nice about the person above you

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Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.
Well as another week of drama and controversy on OcUK draws to an end, I think it's time we injected some happy vibes into GD - there's way too much picking and bitching going on in here lately, so I'm holding a "Say something nice about the poster above you" thread.

The concept is simple. You post something nice about the poster who has posted ahead of you - be it something you know about them in real life, something you've noticed on the boards, help they've given you - anything as long as it's positive. :)
No need to write an essay, a line or so will do.
Please include the name of the poster or we end up with 3 people replying at once and nobody knows who the comments are about ;)

I'll start the ball rolling by picking the person who had posted last as I began typing this thread:


Bitboy always makes me laugh, doesn't take himself too seriously, and is (in my eyes) a model poster.

Take it away guys!
I wish to state that I love Mr. GTA who unfortunately I had cause to suspend recently. Two insults in one post could not go unnoticed and for the sake of forum peace and tranquility it was necessary. He's a good poster who has given us all a good titter in the past and hopefully will be back shortly to resume titteriness. No hard feelings, sir.

Mr. Overclocker, being GOC of the pre war Brigade and Chief Kommentator of the Iraq War also deserves a Mention in Despatches.
BitBoy - perveyor of the best April Fools prank ever. My hat comes off to you good sir. You are a gent.

Darn - interrupted. Hells - Good tatts and piercings. Well done that man!

I wish to express my love for all posters in this fread who have sent me bribes in the past. Donship to be implemented in due course, provided bribes remain incoming.
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