Saying "Yes"

26 Dec 2008
Currently watching "Yes Man" and I think it's a really good film to think about.

Basically the main character says No to basically everything until he goes to a conference on saying Yes to opportunities. Once he starts saying Yes to things his life starts to turn around from being boring and lacking to interesting and full of life.

Just wondering if anyone has said No to things, which they have later regretted or if anyone has said Yes to a random opportunity and found their life has turned out for the better.

It's probably a good mindset to be in to not turn down opportunities and invitations and would probably help me and other people beat depression.
I really do have a bad habit of saying No to things or making excuses, mostly due to my depression, however, this ends up becoming a vicious circle. I think the reason I like the film so much is because the main character pre Yes conference reminds me of me >_>
Im allways making excuses, i definatly think if i wasnt such a shy person id have so much more fun, the film was funny i thought :p, the bit where he has a all nighter on red bull lol!

Lol, just got to this part as I was reading this reply xD
I saw this film too, and like you i thought ill try that out. Someone offered me herion the next day, diddnt work out so great....

Part of the film though is knowing when to say Yes. As the character in the film finds out.
Its fiction lol, please don't base your life on this. Sure dont turn some opportunities, why would you anyway ?!?!?!?!

if some guy says to you join my nazi death cult, have a think.

Its so romantic and all but jeez.

I don't plan on basing my life on this, and have already said further through the thread about thinking before saying yes and choosing when to say yes.

The part I was taking from the film was saying Yes to things that you wouldn't necessarily say yes to.

In regards to your "Sure dont turn some opportunities, why would you anyway ?!?!?!?!" I frequently say No to opportunities because I have got into the habit of saying No because I couldn't be bothered doing things (due to depression which was caused by the intial boredom and turning into a loop).
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