SB Live! + MIDI

3 Jan 2005
In my own little world
Okay... I am trying to get my SB Live! Working with my CS1x & Cubase VST/32.

I've got the LiveDriveII (Non-IR, has the standard sized DIN prots for MIDI, ot the small ones), and also a Gameport-->MIDI In+Out cable

Will either work? Will they **** as like...

Anyone got any pointers?

I've been through what I can see, and set everything to use the Gameport (I have a suspicion about the Cables from the LiveDriveII So I am replacing those tomorrow)

Please help, before I chuck the lot from my 3rd floor window...:mad:
Uninstalled a few times now...

What ASIO drivers should I be using.. think I'm on the DirectX ones.

where do I check the Ports are enabled, Been through what I can see, and set them to SB MIDI Port.

Replaced all of the cables, including the Gameport one (Will do for a backup if I get this lot going)
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