SBS 2003 Migration Questions

2 Nov 2007

Was just wondering what your thoughts on this setup are:

Currently have SBS 2003 server setup and running. Couple of clients (XP SP3) connected. All running fine, however the network is not connected to the internet and the user accounts have been setup as Company1, Company2 etc.

There is a standalone internet PC running outlook which collects email to one [email protected] address.

This is obviously not ideal, so im looking to migrate to a more standard Exchange setup. Im also looking on renaming / recreating the user account in the regular First.Last name style. But im wondering just what the steps would be? Im thinking:

  • Put the server online.
  • Install AV / Anstispam / Updates
  • Sort out WSUS
  • Create new user accounts and migrate data over (?)
  • Copy over the PST and merge it into Exchange (somehow?)
  • Setup individual mail boxes
  • Setup the shared [email protected] mailbox (somehow?)

Does that seem about right? My main concern is transferring the emails from the standalone PC into Exchange and restoring the sales mailbox.

Cheers for any input
Thanks for the reply.

Nope, just looking to set up the 2003 box correctly!

The reason for the username is simply becuase no one knew how to operate the server, so in the event of someone leaving the company and a replacement being hired, no one knew how to create the new user accounts! But now im quite experienced i have taken over its management.

So i would have to create brand new user accounts and transfer the data across?

With the sales@company email is it best practise to setup a public folder? That .pst also has a bunch of contacts that would need to be shared - public folder again?

Just getting slighly confused between user and public mail box approach i guess.

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