Scaleable WIreless IR (lowkey)

28 Jul 2003

Does anyone know if there's a very low key/understated IR repeater that functions on wireless or RF tech?

I want to put it in my living room to take IR signals from 3-5 remotes and then wirelessly transmit those signals back to a network room in my house which has a freesat box, an htpc and other devices.

I'm not looking for something you have to spend time setting up and configuring like the logitech harmony, I just want something plug and play that literally receives a signal on one end, transmits it to a receiver on another end wirelessly and then that receiver transmits the signal as IR again to the devices infront of it. It should be scaleable as well (add another receiver to a different room, rinse & repeat)

I found this but it's a bit bulky and needs dongles to be attached directly to the devices its trying to control instead of being like a remote and transmitting the signal to everything in its line of sight
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