Scandinavia for the summer?

26 Jan 2006
Alright, I need to pick up a 2nd language, so I was thinking of spending the summer somewhere in northern europe. Iv already been to sweden a few times - so would be perfect, but here's the questions...

Has anyone done this before - how easy is it to find a job / accomodation in anohter country? I couldnt really afford to go a whole 2 months w/out an income.

Also, how does tax work?

And finally, 2 months to pick up a langauge in another country - is this possible? If its easy enough to get a job, how easy is it to get one where you actaually talk to people? I dont care too much about the pay, or what I do, aslong as I meet / speak.
ha :) ja, jag e din sexslav för alla natt (?).

Mmmm as for international offices/jobs, i work in the financial industry in tech, but most of the financial places over there want like Swedish+English? no ? that's why I wast thinking of something more lame.

As to taxes, is there like foreign earnings tax?
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