
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002

been 2 months since i went skidding up the road into a land rover (1987vfr750), and finally got round to buying a bike.

CBR100 FL 1990

maybe not an upgrade no faster although a little younger, like the look of the bike, my father has the same one which i have ridden so know i like it.

but he rode it home, he test drove it, mainly due to insurance. however im sat here tonight scared, not of the bike, just of riding.

i know a few on here have come off before, i had a broken rib and a lot of bruising other than that i was fine but in my head, i didnt come off cos i was stupid i came off cos a woman in a land rover jumped out on me.

my mistakes hopefully i will live with and can handle, this wasnt my mistake.

am i right to be scared / apprehensive ?

what did those who have come off do to get passed it ?
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Not sure what say to be honest, it’s a very personal feeling really.

Me, well, in the ~3 years of having my license, I have had three accident, one not my fault and two that were, and I still cannot see myself giving up riding, I think it’s long been in my blood and just took passing to really wake up to the call.

The non-fault accident was back in 2008 and was pretty serious, I have posted it elsewhere before, so wont bore you with the details, but suffice to say I suffered severe injuries and took several months to get fit enough to ride again, but as soon as I could I jumped right back into the saddle – onto a 1000cc bike :D

I think if riding is for you, you just know, as I do, but if you’re having doubts then maybe it’s time to call it a day, or maybe invest in some for of refresher course, maybe that’ll give you the boost you need :)
am i right to be scared / apprehensive ?

Its absolutey normal dont let anyone tell you differant ........... bestway is to get back on even if its just pottering round your driveway then take yourself on small jorneys at a time, all the time you will feel a little less apprehensive and more comfortable good luck;)
oh sorry i may have made my first post a little too dramatic, i will ride again.

its in my blood now i cant focus on a life without riding and that is also after friends tragedy.

but im apprehensive and scared.

although damn i want to ride again. thats not in question.

that may sound crazy but im hoping some people will understand. if it wasnt for my reactions and road sense i may not be here typing. that was less than a year after passing my test.

ill be back slowly, however it still takes somethingg to get on the bike again, and i am scared. new bike, more power, same thing could happen again.
Like Davy said it's normal to be scared / apprehensive, i was craping myself when i first got on the trike but felt a lot better after an hour long ride.
I took a flight over the roof of a car that cut across me. I know exactly the apprehension you feel. Parts of the incident are ingrained in me now - I still have a memory photo snapshot of seeing the pink scarf on the parcel shelf as I went over the top, I can still picture it as I type this. But there's no other way than to get back on the bike as soon as you can. The longer you leave it the more you may build up a mental barrier.
I came off on ice last winter and was lucky to slide down my side of the road, otherwise I would have been under the on coming traffic.

Still to be honest I've always been a little apprehensive and scared when riding out since I've got a bit older, and my accident hasn't really changed that much, it is dangerous after all, but in my book that's not a bad frame of mind to be in when riding. Still I know I really enjoy riding and I try and focus on that to motivate me to take the bike out.
i must be a nutter with no sense of self preservation then. :confused:

after a lot of hoo-haa etc i've got my race license back after an assessment on track. you'd think i'd be a little afraid coz of the last time i rode a bike (did a bit of damage 2 years ago now) but i was more than a little annoyed when i went grasstracking at 100 mph on damp grass and the fact it was raining in the morning made me a little apprehensive as i was on dunlop race tyres! According to the instructor and others i camne back on track and went even quicker lol. i think my determination has led me to where i am and i ended up getting my knee down first time out on a bike for over 2 years! :)

best time of the year no question!! :cool:

i have an odd sense of life. :o
I went out early in the morning while it was quiet on the roads and put in some miles as the traffic built up slowly. That way I got used to the bike and past my fears before dealing with getting into the flow of traffic.
I went out early in the morning while it was quiet on the roads and put in some miles as the traffic built up slowly. That way I got used to the bike and past my fears before dealing with getting into the flow of traffic.

This is a good plan, pretty much what I did after getting my wrist smashed up years back. It's completely normal to be apprehensive of doing something that you've had a previous bad experience on.
well guys apprehension and fear over. :)

a 90 minute ride on quiet country roads, and boy did i enjoy it, new bike was awesome so much nimbler than my old VFR.

cant wait to go out again, unfortunately thats going to be the end of the week!

took a bit of getting going especially since i had to ride down the road where the accident happened but after about 5 miles it was almost business as usual, riding slower and probably being a bit more alert to traffic around me bu it was good o get back out there !
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