sccm for macs.

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco

Has anyone else started to manage their macs via sccm?
We testing it at the moment, and I can't seem to push out applications for it. It makes the package on the server, then just sits there 'in progress' without going further.

Any suggestions?

yes, it is 2012 R2

I've seen the same video.. lol
The windows side of the server works fine.. and the server can see and explorer resouces on the mac, so I can't see it being a permission thing stopping it.

any packages I try to push out just sits in in progress
In the sense for mobile devices? yes...
or do you have to update the dist point after each package creation?

Same as any new package/application you create.. its needs to be distributed to the correct DP.

Also, just to expand on what you said in OP, When you say it makes the package on the server then just sits at in progress.. do you mean it says in progess when your distributing it, or on the report for deployment.
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