SCCM + Win10 1706 + Apps

30 Sep 2005
Hi Everyone,

I understand how to remove apps in order to capture a successful image.

My question though, is why did Microsoft chose to replace the calculator with an app? Since you have to remove it prior to capture most users actually want/need a calculator? I know we can package up a replacement and inc that in our task sequence but I'd like to know Microsoft reasons and thinking behind it.

Why move to apps at all? Were people asking for them? Why include them in a business edition where every piece of software might need to be vetted?

It's simply because Microsoft has always used their own organisation and how they operate for reasons and justification for features and changes that they make.

I remember going to a seminar where they proudly boasted that even their receptionist can not only pxe boot but select an is that they want to install on the device they are using. Most corporates just simply don't operate in this way.
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