18 Oct 2002
Southern England
So how many people here are into the whole SCCM thing? We're implimenting it for a customer at the moment and i'm very keen to get my head into this.

What experiences have people had with it? good or bad?
I had a brief play on our test setup; but unfortunately ran out of time before I could really get to grips with it;
first impression was 'Wow, looks complicated' :p

would be eager to hear how you get on with it though :)
It is very good but you can do a lot of it with Group Policy (well the AD stuff anyway)

Whilst being somewhat complex it is fairly easy to get you head round especially if you have a good grounding in Group Policy and AD.

There is a tutorial over at that shows some basics (you can also subscribe to their sometimes useful video podcasts via iTunes)

A useful tool in my (semi! :D ) professional opinion.
Very into it, well SMS for now, it's actually what my job is :)

We'll be moving over to SCCM from SMS 2003 at the end of the year, got some time booked out for a weeks jolly on the course to ge tthe exam out the way :)

You can do a lot with group policy and not just for software distribution, software restriction policies for application control etc.
I think a lot of people underestimate Group Policy.

Granted it's not perfect, but it's cheap/free :p Again using software restriction as an example, properly setup it can provide a very good applications control system, at least restricting any non authorised software etc.

Although I've never really used it for software distribution as I've always used SMS. Do you get any kind of reporting or any other functionality or it it just a case of you tell it to run an msi and that's it?

SMS seems to be something either people understand and implement it well, or something people think they understand and royaly stuff things up :p Where I am now had some cowboy contractors in (who got paid a damn site more than I did :( ) when they were basically starting the whole ICT infrastructure again from scratch, new domain, hardware, the lot, who really had no clue and I've spent a few months turning their crap into a good well run system :)
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As i understand it, reporting is pretty sparse on GPO, hence the popularity of SMS.

When you are getting paid to deploy an app to 14k clients, you want to know that they are getting it, and who is not. The customer wants to know too.

SMS can do all sorts of other good stuff too, including changing all the local admin passwords of all clients once a month etc etc.
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