SCCM2007 Query

31 May 2005
We have a two site setup at work (Recently installed)

Central Site for admin and servers etc
and a primary site where the main campus clients talk to.

This is fairly early into the setup and we haven't expanded over the WAN and introduced secondary servers.

My question is in relation to boundaries. Currently we have the main campus IP ranges setup and we can see all the clients we expect, however I was informed that if a client moved outside of the boundaries I.E. to a WAN site in our case that the client would no longer send the inventory or install advertised packages etc. However in our case it is and it's causing a few problems. I still haven't been on the course myself so I'm going on other people knowledge. Can anyone advise at all? It's mainly an issue with laptops and machines which have been installed at the central campus so have a site code allocated. They are the either moved elsewhere or are roaming users.

FYI we are running SCCM2007R3 in Native Mode

Thanks in advance
I'm only talking about internal clients not internet managed (just to clarify)

We have had an issue with the following at the moment;

Client was setup on a subnet within boundary and captured inside a collection and assigned a site code, client then went outside of the boundaries. Agents were then set to deploy to the central campus and a number of machines which were no longer on subnets in the boundaries still had the client pushed to them so agent traffic started flowing over the wan connections.

It may well be this is normal behaviour for agent deployment? But the concern is that they have also relayed inventory. What we don't want is the agent going across the wan at this point just because an item has roamed if that makes sense?

The other issue is they don't seem to disappear from the collection and still have a site code issued so what happens if we advertise to that collection and it goes outside the boundaries :-(

I imagine what should happen is that if the client is no longer in the boundaries it should loose its site code? If so how long does that take? We know agents won't deploy to items which don't have a site code so that's ok.

Can anyone explain to me exactly how the above works? On a slightly different note can anyone recommend me a good book, ideally that also covers at least R2 and Native.
I will double check if we are using heartbeat & what the polling intervals are on Monday.

I can confirm we are using only IP ranges in the bounderies

So as I understand it the client will remain in the collection but, how how long does it take for SCCM to realise actually the client has roamed outside of is remit and hence decide not to deploy to it. We are using client push I believe
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