Scheduled task would not run (W10)

28 Aug 2017
Hi guys I'm puzzled by this. I want to shut down computer every day at certain time. So I created .bat file on desktop with "shutdown.exe /s /f" in it, then created a simple task in task scheduler that runs this file daily at given time. But it does not work(yes it is enabled). I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. When I run the file itself, it shuts pc down. When I run the task manually in scheduler, it shuts pc down. But when left on its own, nothing happens :(

Anyone knows??
I would imagine something is off with the trigger, if you run...
(Get-ScheduledTask *Insert name of task between these two asterix*).Triggers | select Enabled, StartBoundary, DaysOfWeek, WeeksInterval
in a powershell window what's it say.

FWIW you don't need a batch file to do what you want to do, you can do it by just having "cmd.exe /c shutdown.exe /s /f" for the action (you may need to put what follows /c in quotes (can't quiet remember)).
/c Carries out the command specified by string and then stops.
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Problem solved, I had wrong timezone set on PC :p

Thanks Murphy for posting cmd version of action, I knew it could be done that way but was not sure about the syntax..:)
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