Schiit audio upgrade query

The Lyr 3 is just an amp, albeit a very good one, so you would still need a DAC to go with it.
The Lyr 3 is certainly better than the Fulla amp but you may need more resolving headphones for the differences to become apparent.
I forgot about that :D
I love my Modi Multibit so would go for the multibit option and call it job done without getting into silly money
Speakers/Headphones are more import than AMP/DAC.
Unless you are experiencing a particular issue stick with what you have.
You can always demo high-end hardware in person to see if you can notice a difference.
I agree with the above poster; you'll get more of an upgrade by spending £500 on better headphones than spending the same money on a better DAC/amp for the HD595's. Very good headphones, but they aren't headphones where gains are to be had from a better DAC/amp; unlike HD600/650/660 for example.
in my defence, I did say "you may need more resolving headphones for the differences to become apparent" in my first post but the OP did state "Keen on keeping my HD595 until they die" ;)

By far the biggest gains would be achieved by getting more resolving headphones such as the Sennheiser HD650 but as they scale so very well with better upstream gear then the Lyr 3 with multibit DAC module plus the HD650 would make a very good sounding setup.
I'd be upgrading the headphones. The 595s are good headphones but there are much better out there.
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