Sci-fi movie fans - answer this.....

3 Jan 2004
At Home
Can you name these 2 Sci-fi movies for me.....

1.) Two square (dust-bin) like robots on a food / earth-like space ship. Released around 1973.

2.) A female humanoid/cyborg in a space station is the slave of the only other male inhabitant. Very similar effects to 2001. Released around 1975.

The years specified may be incorrect ;)
1) Silent Running - Released 1972.

2) I know the film you mean but can not remember the name.
1.) Silent running it is

Just No.2 to get then..... imagine the android female doing all the stuff the guy wants her to do (and its nothing dirty....) with the scenes looking as though they are out of 2001 and her walking around acting like a humanoid. There might be another human on board, who wants to fight for her ;)
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Well this helped me out. I've had a memory of some guy in a big greenhouse teaching two square robots to play cards for years. Now I know where it came from. :cool:
Hudzy said:
Well this helped me out. I've had a memory of some guy in a big greenhouse teaching two square robots to play cards for years. Now I know where it came from. :cool:

If you had watched the new film ''Sunshine'' it would have jogged your memory :)
Hudzy said:
Well this helped me out. I've had a memory of some guy in a big greenhouse teaching two square robots to play cards for years. Now I know where it came from. :cool:

There were actually three Robots.. He lost one in a 'Space Storm'... One of my Favorite Movies!... The End always brings a lump to my throat!!. :(

and I'll always stop and watch Saturn 3 when its on (no mater how late! they see fit to put it on!)

Gotta hunt these two down on DVD now!.. :cool:
Simian said:
There were actually three Robots.. He lost one in a 'Space Storm'... One of my Favorite Movies!... The End always brings a lump to my throat!!. :(
Yep, me too - that film is ace and is definitely worth a look out for on DVD.. :)

EDIT: woohoo, £5 delivered brand new!
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