Scooter security

18 Oct 2002
Any scooterists here? A friend of my wife's has asked me to recommend some security for her scooter - the main requirement is it has to be nice and light to carry so not a monster chain and lock. Can you get a disc lock to fit on a tiny scooter disc brake? (trying to find out what model scooter it is, I only know that it's black and a 125 at the moment!). Are there any decent security cables that don't weigh a ton?

This is mainly for putting off opportunist scrotes who have tried to steal it twice, being defeated by the steering lock both times but damaging it in a process. Typical of scrawny little chavs with arms like pipe cleaners.
you want a chain,doesnt have to be heavy duty but remember scooters are light and wouldnt take too much effort to pick up/load into back of a transit,chain and a disc lock id go for and remember to chain it to something solid
I've already mentioned this, but she has nothing to chain it to unless she uses a lamp post which would put the scooter out of site of her house. She understands that someone in a van could easily take it, she just wants to deter these opportunist scrotes that just try to break the steering lock and push it away.
I have had my scooter stolen from the from of my house even with a chain on, you can get disk locks to fit them but it depends on the size of the holes in the disk and put in a ground anchor and chain it to that, but they are no certainty that it wont get nicked, so i would get an alarm fitted to it
For quick stop-offs I just use an Oxford Boss Alarm Disc Lock on my T5. I just depress the rear brake and attach it from underneath (my scoot doesn't have disc brakes, although the new PX models do).

Stops it from being wheeled and makes a racket if it's moved.

I'll use a chain, and the alarm lock, for long stays though.

I don't use anything for my Gilera Nexus 500 in general but when I park in what look like its a dodgy or high scrote area I use two Xena Alarmed Disc locks (front and rear discs) to stop any one wheeling it away. If someone really wants a scoot or bike they will have a van ready and a couple of beefy guys to lift it straight in.
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