Scooters for short commute

Man of Honour
17 Feb 2003
For reason I'd rather not go into, I'm thinking of replacing cycling to the station with a scooter. I don't want anything expensive as it's only to be used for part commute to London and will be left at the station nearly all day. I looked at second hand and i don't really like what I see. I found Direct Bikes the other day which offer new bikes in and around £750 mark.

I'm kind of a little sceptical. There has to be catch branded new scooter are in the excess of £3k.

What do you think? Any experience with these guys? Spare parts?


#awaits ribbing#
it might be a cheap chinese scooter,they are ok but built to a budget

looked at the gilera runner scooters? 50cc,125cc,im sure there are other makes but those are whats off the top of my head
gilera runner will get stolen as they are high target, a Chinese or Taiwanese scoot is a safer bet SYM or Kymco are good brands with a good foundation for quality in recent years, much like when Japanese bikes and scoots started to get good many years ago.

Direct bikes are hit and miss.
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Why not just get a cheap 125cc bike, like a Honda CG125 or a Yamaha YBR 125. So cheap to run and really reliable.
Wait.... You just recommended someone an Italian motor vehicle? :eek:

Im offended, ive been running italian bikes for just over 2 years and over 10 thousand miles... Only had one misshap which cost a fair bit to fix :( anyway, other then that nothing wrong with italian :cool:

Oh that'll why they are so cheap then :p Cheers for the link .. Typical example of it's too good to be true.. etc..

Why not just get a cheap 125cc bike, like a Honda CG125 or a Yamaha YBR 125. So cheap to run and really reliable.

Not got a problem with that but I'd rather have something to literally "twist n go".

edit - from Direct Scooters FAQs

Do I need to assemble my scooter?

"All our scooters come assembled - you simply attach the wing mirrors, battery and free accessories.
Im offended, ive been running italian bikes for just over 2 years and over 10 thousand miles... Only had one misshap which cost a fair bit to fix :( anyway, other then that nothing wrong with italian :cool:

I was shocked as wazza has some kind of personal vendetta against Italian bikes and wouldn't usually wish one on his enemy!
I had a Peugeot Speedfight which I used to commute from surburbia right into the city of London, and I loved every minute of it. It sure beat the **** out of getting a train and a tube. I took the occasional day off and cycled in, but the Speedfight was by far the best blast. I especially loved blipping past the larger bikes as they struggled to filter through the traffic jams.

DONT get anything Chinese... remember re-sale value and not just the initial outlay.
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