scott mills phone prank just now

9 Jun 2004
Lovely Wolver-ampton!
anyone catch that?

class.... how dumb are some people???

happy friday everyone. 2 days off for some of ya. be good!
erm... overstatement....

but if there's a better dj on at this time then please point him out. generally i've found people who dont find mills funny are over 30, or uber geeks. :p
Mills is a radio b1tch. Just slates other people and generally stirs up his couldron all day organising pranks that wreck peoples relationships etc etc. I think hes worse than Moyles.
jumpy said:

what he said.

Alli. Dude. Chill with the anti-non-fanboy stuff!

This debate has been done round these parts before, I'm far from being 30, and although i'm partial geek when it comes to computers, can't you agree that some people just dont find a Londoner's smarmy mick taking funny?
if no-one posted stuff on here because it has been posted before then there wouldnt be much here would there?

im well aware that some people dont like him, but using your "anti-non fanboy" argument then there has to be an opposite, ie a "fan boy" side, which im on. i wasnt the one who started the like/dislike tone to the thread now was i? all i asked was "who heard it" and the second posted came back with the quip that states the flippin obvious.

i did not ask, who likes him or not, merely who caught the clip seeing as there was a big thread about the supposed nuclear attack on bradford.

and, for future referance, he's not a londoner. :p
ALLI said:
if no-one posted stuff on here because it has been posted before then there wouldnt be much here would there?


ALLI said:
and, for future referance, he's not a londoner. :p

Learn something new everyday, he must be southern though judging by his accent.
it all sounds the same to me mate! When I went to a party in Surrey recently the people there claimed that it wasn't London although others there did, although they all sounded like cockneys to me!
ALLI said:
erm... overstatement....

but if there's a better dj on at this time then please point him out. generally i've found people who dont find mills funny are over 30, or uber geeks. :p

if your over 30 you should be listening to radio 2 :p
stokefan said:
it all sounds the same to me mate! When I went to a party in Surrey recently the people there claimed that it wasn't London although others there did, although they all sounded like cockneys to me!

yeah i used to work with a guy from essex and i affectionately called him "me old cockney sparra"

i think anyone south of brum is cockney.. lols!!!

awight? :D
stokefan said:
it all sounds the same to me mate! When I went to a party in Surrey recently the people there claimed that it wasn't London although others there did, although they all sounded like cockneys to me!

Are you insane? People from surrey sound absolutely nothing like 'cockneys'. And it certainly isn't London.

Ant :cool:
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