Scratch removal - wet n dry - buffing etc...

26 Jul 2003
So I spent my weekend removing scratches and stone chips with a repair pack I got from paints4u. Generally very happy with the results, although applying wet n dry to my car took some guts innitially I can tell you.

Unfortunately before I could finish polishing the light scratch marks from the wet n dry the polishing drill head thingy I had purchased came off and got a load of grit stuck to it :( So I cant use it now.

I am gonna spend this week painting up layers on a particularly nasty gowdge (sp?) out of the rear plastic bumper (was on there when I bought the car dont know how it occured) I also need to get some finer WnD paper (3000).

Can anyone recommend a powered tool to do the polishing? I found this page:

And they are recommending something nice and cheap £14.99 - but will it do the chop I am looking for?

Cheers for any help.
Muncher said:
You need a Porta Cable, but it's not cheap, approx £200 once you've got all the kit.

Yea I been doing the reading up and UK suppliers can do a PC for like £83 UK ready which isnt too bad. Since OCUK dont do power tools here is the link:

Really didnt wanna spent £83 although its much more affordable than the £200 I was originally seeing for a PC.
Noxis said:
Yea I been doing the reading up and UK suppliers can do a PC for like £83 UK ready which isnt too bad. Since OCUK dont do power tools here is the link:

Really didnt wanna spent £83 although its much more affordable than the £200 I was originally seeing for a PC.

They are not based in the UK and you will probably get stung for TAX. Go with Autopia, best service around.
ad75 said:
They are not based in the UK and you will probably get stung for TAX. Go with Autopia, best service around.

Doesnt mean its not coming from a UK distribution centre. Also I doubt you'd get done for tax.

I cant afford £200 so I think I will get some ScratchX :p
Well i'm going to give scratch x a second go on my black car, if that don't work its G3 / G10 and a PC for me.

How bad are your Swirls Noxis?
I think what I would do instead of a PC is buy a polisher off ebay (the angle grinder type one) for £50, much bigger head and more versatile than a PC. However Id make sure I practiced on some old panels first to get the technique dialled. Can pick them up with assorted heads for £40.
Firestar_3x said:
Well i'm going to give scratch x a second go on my black car, if that don't work its G3 / G10 and a PC for me.

How bad are your Swirls Noxis?

Not *that* bad at all over the car in general. Just what you'd expect from a 2 year old car thats been just washed and waxed with the odd car wash (I only had it a year) on a block black.

What I need to do is finish off my scratch removal where I have done some light filling + wet n dry and you can still see the scuff marks from the wet n dry. I am considering elbow grease with Scratch X plus a £15 - £20 polisher.

Mate insisting that using just a regular rotating polisher will create swirlys..
Liverpool-Lad said:
I think it uses an orbital action, so the pad spins in a rotary fashion and moves orbitally also, which makes it safer to use but also expensive.

Its the irregular motion that stops it creating swirlys allegdly, to emulate how a human would do it.
Muncher said:
You need a Porta Cable, but it's not cheap, approx £200 once you've got all the kit.

Slightly OT ... your the person whos car was scratched really badly arent you? How did your DIY repair go?

Got any pics mate?
Before pic of the main bit I am working on:


I am still sorting and building up layers of paint/laquer(sp?) and will post a finished pic soooon. (Sorry for quality was done quickly with my PEBL as I suddenly thought i'd want a record just before i started heh).
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