Screaming X-Fi

28 Dec 2003
Well, after posting the other day that I was having no problems with my X-Fi card, I'm now experiencing the weirdest thing.

Every now and then, whilst watching videos, I'll get a brief but very loud "scream" noise which lasts for about two seconds. It's totally random but not very frequent and is really quite a disturbing noise.

I'm on Vista x64 with the latest Creative drivers - is it likely these are to blame? So far I've only ever noticed it on videos with AC3 sound so there might be something there too.

I need to upgrade the drivers on the gf's Vista x86 box soon as she's still got some of the early Creative drivers from a year ago which, whilst they work, cause sound problems after hibernation. I'm almost scared to in case she starts getting the same issue.
I've had the scream of death on my X-FI twice within the last week, not to mention the cracking and popping.. I'm not sure what has brought it on, failing sound card or the drivers because I'm damn sure it's not my PCI slot on my motherboard...especially judging by Creative's recent performance so far..

Quick Fix for this: Buy an Asus D2 Xonar - I should be getting mine tomorrow and judging by what I've raed, it'll be everything that my X-FI isn't and never will be, I don't care fro EAX5 support really, Asus's emulation will do for me and Alchemy just annoys me anyway... And I thought abotu the Prelude, but considered it still had some of Cretives hardware on it, the X-FI chip obviously and I don't want to find out that the problem was with the chip itself and not the drivers, no matter how much better Auzentechs drivers are..

I'll report back on how much better the Asus D2 Xonar is if you want :P

Well do I feel stupid or what?

Wasn't the sound card at all - was the damn Kaspersky AV software I installed recently. What on earth was going through the mind of the idiot who decided a loud squealing pig noise was a good notification of a virus!? Binned it pronto and all is now well again.
Well do I feel stupid or what?

Wasn't the sound card at all - was the damn Kaspersky AV software I installed recently. What on earth was going through the mind of the idiot who decided a loud squealing pig noise was a good notification of a virus!? Binned it pronto and all is now well again.

Haha, I used to spend hours looking out the window for cats scrapping because of that stupid noise.
Well do I feel stupid or what?

Wasn't the sound card at all - was the damn Kaspersky AV software I installed recently. What on earth was going through the mind of the idiot who decided a loud squealing pig noise was a good notification of a virus!? Binned it pronto and all is now well again.

Was about to mention kaspersky haha! The squeeling pig is annoying.
It's dead people calling to you. Seek the advice of Bruce Willis immediately. But even then, it's probably too late for you now :( We'll miss you.

EDIT - Seriously though my mate has this card and has recommended I buy it about twenty times :D Squealing pigs aside are they really that good? I'm only using onboard Realtek 2.1/EAX2 atm so it's probably a big fat "Yes" :D
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