Screen burn on 8800

28 Jul 2004
In power saving mode there is a static strip and time displayed and this has cause screen burn. I turned power saving off for about month as it was causing screen burn. Even tho screen burn is not suppose to happen to LCD screens.

I have taken a picture. You will notice the imprint of where the time has been displayed. :(

Some people on the nokia forums have said that if you go to one of the service centres, they'll replace the screen at no charge since the phone has a long warranty, not sure if this fully solves the problem, doesn't bother me really.
You cannot get "Screen Burn" on LCDs!
Its actually called LCD Persistance, I've seen it happen on my work monitor. It looks like screen burn, it of often a fault with the graphics controller in the LCD/Monitor.

Best thing to do turn off all logo's, etc, and have a plain white wallpaper and leave that on for a couple of hours, should fix it 90% of the time.

I've never had it on my 8800 though, if you really are concerned, turn power saving off and the time/date bar isn't displayed.
Resolution in the phone screen is actually pretty good though, just doesn't come over in the pictures
Airax said:
You cannot get "Screen Burn" on LCDs!
Its actually called LCD Persistance, I've seen it happen on my work monitor. It looks like screen burn, it of often a fault with the graphics controller in the LCD/Monitor.
Eh? It's nothing to do with the graphics controller, it's a "memory" effect from the crystals being held one position for an extended period of time.
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