Screen issues

21 Dec 2009
My brother got himself a Packard Bell TJ61 RB 030UK laptop just over a year ago. In the past day his screen has started flashing black lines and odd colours across the screen:

This flashes on and off really quickly in various places.

I'm not sure whats caused this but basically, he's 12 and if he's dropped it or whatever I'm pretty sure he's not going to jump up and say it was his fault ;)

Is this just a loose connection to the screen from the motherboard or is it more complicated. If it is just a loose connection how difficult is it to fix?

Thanks, Joe
It might require BGA reballing, if it's soldering issue (it is known fact that some vendors got to use Chinese soldering which was banned by EU).
Fixing the screen tape should be easy, though.
But even 12-years old kid should be aware the fact more he helps - laptop will get fixed better and faster :)
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