Screen problem with XPS 1330

25 Jul 2005
The screen on my 1330 has just died completely, before it would show a white background with lines across it, which would sometimes go back to normal when moving the screen, now it just shows white. I'm assuming due to this it's going to be a loose/broken video connection.

It is still under warranty but I really need it for the next couple of weeks (dissertation time) and so am wondering about sorting it myself, the screen dismantelling instructions on the dell website look pretty easy but I don't know how damaged the cable may be. Has anyone else had this problem and repaired it themselves? If so was it the cable that was broken or the connection, and if so easy to fix?

EDIT: I lied, it seems it's 14 days out of warranty according to the site... :rolleyes:Well that makes the decision easier, but any help would be appreciated.
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No, it was the standard (onboard) one.

After realising it wasn't actually in warranty I decided to have a go myself and see if it was as easy as a loose connection. After dismantling what seemed like the entire machine I saw the connection at the back of the LCD had worked it's way loose, a quick shuffle of that and a rebuild of the machine (I spent about 3/4 of an hour trying to work out where the wireless aerials went around the hinge area... The rest of it was straightforward) it now works again.

Hopefully for good, although I do wonder if the cable will work it's way loose again.

None, honest! Although I did have a slight fright when I realised I didn't know which aerial lead connected to the wifi card...
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