screen randomly turning on and off

13 Jul 2003
errm title says it all really my screen randomly turns on and off will only be for a second. sometimes does it few times a day sometimes once a week never really bothered me til ive started having problems with ranom resets/lock ups in one of my games and wondered if might be conected. thanks for any help you can give me.
i always get 2 blinks OFF when starting a game, or closing a game.
or opening the catylist control centre for my ATI card... im presuming uit has soemhtign to do with FULL SCREEN 3D.
only the primary screen blinks off though

what graphics card doy uo have and when do you notice it ?
Probably worth performing some stress tests on your machine to see if that causes lockups.... As for the monitor turning itself off, thats what happened when my old CRT died a slow death. It started off every so often then became more frequent. Hope its not bad news! :(
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