Screen recording in Mavericks

21 Oct 2002
Hi all,

I am trying to record some gameplay footage on my Mac. I can use the quicktime screen recorder with no massive loss of framerates. However, I can't seem to figure out how to get sound to work on it. The only options I can see are no sound or sound from the inbuilt microphone so it only records external sounds.

Is there a way of fixing this and if not is there any other software you can recommend that I can use?
NO! Stay away from those options!

Just use Telestreams Screenflow! It's amazing, and has no real impact on FPS at all.
It's also a video editing package so you can do it all in one package.

It also supports multiple sound inputs. It'll record game/system sound on a different track compared to the mic you use. It'll also record a webcam if you have it.

Everything on my channel is recorded using Screenflow.

Stay the hell away from soundflower, snapz, and camwtist, they've caused nothing but issues and kill FPS. Same for quicktime.
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