Screen tearing in portal, making it near unplayable

10 Jan 2013
Just started playing the original portal on pc again, been years since ive played it.
Im playing on an acer predator x34a which does 100hz and geforce 970 which is obviously massive overkill, and the overkill of frame rate is making the worst screen tearing ever.
I've got G sync set on, tried capping frame rate at 100 from the steam launcher, playing with loads of different options but still cant get it to go away, any ideas? would capping the fps even lower help?
Ended up just speed running the whole thing, got used to the annoying tears.
Forgot just how bloody amazing the ending song is :D
I capped at 100fps and force V sync off, the G sync indicator was showing too during the game.
Is it right to cap FPS same as my monitor?
Just installing Portal 2, lets see how i get on with that
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