Screendoor thoughts. DK2 compared to the Vive and CV1?

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
23 Dec 2002
Question for those of you who've been able to compare a DK2 to a Vive or CV1.
Is the screendoor completely eliminated on the Vive/CV1, or at the other extreme, is is just as bad as the DK2.

By screendoor, I mean the mess effect around pixel. I know that it's possible to mentally ignore, but I find rather poor in a DK2.
I've owned a DK2 and a CV1 , imho the screen door effect is there and to me as obvious as ever on either hmd , just a little less on the CV1, one thing i would say was that i found the optics of the DK2 much better, the god ray effect of the CV1's lenses is awful and distracting.
From somebody who owned a DK2 here and have been on a CV1 and owes a vive. For me the screendoor effect isnt quite as bad on the vive or or cv1 as the DK2, in my opinion the screendoor is the least of the worries its the glare from the CV1 that put me off and the curved lens lines and light bleed on the vive ive noticed since ive started playing it more that becomes more apparent. For example on Kismet your ina black room with a glowing white sphere on the floor and the flare that comes off it even when you are looking horizontally is awful.

This said these only put you off if you let them, all vr headsets have their pros and cons for me personally i went for the vive after testing both but was on a knife edge and are both a considerable step up from the dk2.
I have a DK2 and a Vive.

Dk2 screen door is a fair bit worse than Vive.

Vive is visible, but much easier to forget about. The screen is also a LOT brighter than DK2.

Sadly not had a chance to try CV1, however I hear it's slightly better at bluring the screen door affect than Vive, but Vive's screen is still brighter.
There's a way I now think of the difference between the screendoor effect going from the DK2 to the CV1.

For me, the DK2 felt like having an actual mesh directly in front of my eyes, and that I was looking at the (virtual) world through that. With the CV1, it's as though the objects in the world have a texture to them rather than having a mesh directly in front of me (if that makes sense).

This makes it possible for me to ignore the screendoor effect a lot of the time (though this is game dependant), whereas with the DK2 I was always conscious of it.
DK2 - very noticeable screen door just cant avoid it and hard to ignore

CV1 - do not notice it at all in game or video. If i look for it yes can see but its vastly diminshed in the Oculus. I believe from reviews the screendoor is a bit more visible in the Vive than the CV1 tho the Vive is apparently a tad brighter. Also the introduction of the oculus debug tool allowing you to juryrig increase the res utilizing the power of your GPU to give clearer and sharper excellent. I have no complaints at all of the image quality of the CV1 except for occasional god ray blur type things but the image is still way way way better than the DK2 (no artifacts, no shimmering or aliasing, no judder either due to Oculus ATW as well) Can easily read all text in Elite no worries at all.

Only complaint i have of the CV1 is its level of comfortableness for those with glasses. Its not much better than the DK2 imo.
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