Screw the WC.

23 Jun 2007
Fantasy Premier League is open again as of tomorrow (don't know the exact time though), and there are three major rule changes from last season;

  • Slight change to the transfer roll over rule introduced last season - this time around, a rolled over transfer isn't lost if it isn't used - you can keep on rolling it over to the following week, but you can still never have more than two free transfers in a GW.
  • Own goals now score minus points. Meh. Won't affect team selection/strategy really. Although I won't be picking Dunne this season.
  • The BIG change - there's a second wild card! Available only in January to coincide with the transfer window, if it isn't used then, it's lost. Brought in after last winter's big freeze ****** up so many players.
I'm disappointed to see there haven't been any changes to the emergency captain rule... Anyway, still loads of time before the start of the season, and it's completely pointless making a team now, but for those of you who like FPL as much as me, this should at least help with the withdrawals.
thank god, i always end up using my wild card in the first few weeks :p

Looking forward to trying to retain my title in my league with friends :)
Good luck with that, and well played! Leagues with friends/colleagues are great for the banter. Our work league will have a few new entrants, so prize money should be three figures per month.
[*]Slight change to the transfer roll over rule introduced last season - this time around, a rolled over transfer isn't lost if it isn't used - you can keep on rolling it over to the following week, but you can still never have more than two free transfers in a GW.
Good, was a bit stupid as it basically meant that there was no point rolling over a transfer unless you used 2 immediately in the following week.
[*]The BIG change - there's a second wild card! Available only in January to coincide with the transfer window, if it isn't used then, it's lost. Brought in after last winter's big freeze ****** up so many players.
I'd been saving my wildcard for a rainy day and used it in the big freeze, was kinda lol though because I hadn't banked on the West Ham game getting called off (after the transfer deadline) and had brought in 3 players of theirs!

The big change they need to make is regarding the player valuation fluctuations, basically it doesn't take into account what happens at the start of the season, only the changes thereafter. So, if a player is overpriced nobody buys him. Because nobody bought him, nobody is selling him, and hence he keeps his value. You'd have a ridiculous situation where some useless/injured player stays around the £8m mark even though NOBODY wants him, meanwhile a really popular £5m player drops to £4.7m like a shot just on the back of a couple of weeks sales (even though he is still FAR more popular than the £8m player who hasn't budged in price).
Looking forward to it! I really liked the sub rules in the FIFA fantasy football (ie each day is a new substitute window), but I guess that'd require quite a lot of work for the premiership.
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