screws for a macbook = retarded price

18 Oct 2002
Was looking online for some screws for my cousins macbook, he had it opened and lost some of them, not that suprising since theyre so small. Came across some sites, cheapest i can find for the 2.0 core 2 duo model is $50. Are these things gold plated or what?
he had it opened and lost some of them, not that suprising since theyre so small.
That statement should seriously win some kind of award.

Probably the reason they're so expensive is due to being a specialist item. Meaning, not too many people take their expensive laptops apart without being very careful not to lost the screws, so there isn't much demand. If you're not buying from Apple, it may be that the seller is machining the screws in small numbers.

The moral of the story is...
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