OK So Im Testing this code
Profile Path is \\MainServer\Pro\%username%
Home Path is \\MainServer\HomeFolders\%username%
This is in a test environment so its safe to mess about.
This script throws up errors.
It does delete all the selected users from the AD
it does not delete there profile or Home directories
This is on a Windows 2012 Server with win 7/8 clients.
The Profile appears in the folder as cice.v2 if that makes any difference.
I have also set up folder redirects so that the documents and pictures redirect to the homefolder
$users = Get-ADUser -Filter "*" -SearchBase "OU=Class 2013,OU=Students,DC=School,DC=local" -Properties samaccountname, HomeDirectory, profilepath
$users | ForEach-Object {
#delete home directory from server
remove-item $_.HomeDirectory -recurse -force
Write-Host 'Home Directory: '$_.HomeDirectory
#delete profile folder from server, delete line if not needed
remove-item $_.profilepath -recurse -force
Write-Host 'Profile Path: '$_.profilepath `n
#delete user account from AD
Remove-ADUser -Identity $_.samaccountname -Confirm:$false
Write-Host 'SamAccountName: '$_.samaccountname
Home Path is \\MainServer\HomeFolders\%username%
This is in a test environment so its safe to mess about.
This script throws up errors.
It does delete all the selected users from the AD
it does not delete there profile or Home directories
remove-item : Access to the path '\\MainServer\HomeFolders\cice\Documents' is denied.
At C:\bin\Remove-Users.ps1:8 char:9
+ remove-item $_.HomeDirectory -recurse -force
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (\\MainServer\HomeFolders\cice:String) [Remove-Item], UnauthorizedAccessException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : RemoveItemUnauthorizedAccessError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand
Home Directory: \\MainServer\HomeFolders\cice
remove-item : Cannot find path '\\MainServer\Pro\cice' because it does not exist.
At C:\bin\Remove-Users.ps1:12 char:9
+ remove-item $_.profilepath -recurse -force
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (\\MainServer\Pro\cice:String) [Remove-Item], ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand
Profile Path: \\MainServer\Pro\cice
SamAccountName: cice
This is on a Windows 2012 Server with win 7/8 clients.
The Profile appears in the folder as cice.v2 if that makes any difference.
I have also set up folder redirects so that the documents and pictures redirect to the homefolder