mightynimrod said:
People have heard of Thermalright and a lot of people have used them in the past.
They were at the top of the tree when it came to socket A coolers (SP97)
Cyber-Mav was just pointing out that the Scythe Ninja is currently the best air cooler out there atm regardless of which motherboard your running. He just happens to have the Ultra-D and it restricts the orange ram slots.
V.Core affects temps, your lucky as your running at near stock - but some people have to up it to 1.55-1.6v in which case yours would be lacking and the Ninja/Thermaltake Big Typhoon would take the lead.
The Thermaright coolers are in their own right-superb, but there are better ones out there now.
Ive had 2x XP90c's and 1x XP120 all of which were really good.
Oh dear why do I bother to get caught up in these discussions
I am in no position to say which HSF is *best* because I haven't used all of them, and I am not saying the SI-120 is the *best* I am saying it's a kickass cooler. It has no fitting issues and cools really well?
Really people should say *I think* product xyz rather than saying *it is the best*, how do they know? did they test them all or are they just going on web-reviews or forum feedback.
It's almost a *moot* point because most of us are overcooling out CPU's anyway, therefore you have to look at other selling points of a modern HSF like: Is it easy to fit, is it quiet, does it look nice, will it allow me to swap out components etc.
I supplied the results above to show what my *personal* experience with the SI-120 has been like, hopefully someone else who owns the Ninja will take the time to share their cooling results with us (i.e screenshots).
Yes I maybe a little lucky that I can run my CPu at 1.4vCore, but the results are very good with this cooler even at 1.55vCore.
I don't see what the problem is here as I like the look of the ninja