I'm thinking about buying a 2gig SD card for my IPAQ so I can store movies and mp3s on there.
On the site I'm buying from they have one 2gig one
SanDisk 2GB SD Card (Secure Digital)
and then another one that says:
OwnBrand (not saying who cause its a competitor) 2GB 66X SD Card (Secure Digital)
I'm guessing the 66x means its 66 times quicker memory.
What I'm wondering is; is there any point paying the extra tenner for the 66x given that my IPAQ only has a 200mhz processor. Do you think I will notice the difference?
One is 54 quid and one is 64 quid I'm just wondering which I should get.
On the site I'm buying from they have one 2gig one
SanDisk 2GB SD Card (Secure Digital)
and then another one that says:
OwnBrand (not saying who cause its a competitor) 2GB 66X SD Card (Secure Digital)
I'm guessing the 66x means its 66 times quicker memory.
What I'm wondering is; is there any point paying the extra tenner for the 66x given that my IPAQ only has a 200mhz processor. Do you think I will notice the difference?
One is 54 quid and one is 64 quid I'm just wondering which I should get.