SD Netflix with WiFi?

Hi all.

We have this in our kitchen, but an older version with HDMI but not HD Ready. I already have a couple of ROKUs amd apple TVs etc but they wont work via HDMI on this screen. Any options for me to get Netflix on this SD screen over WiFi?

Many thanks in advance.

Not surprised ROKU and Apple TV not worked on your kitchen TV, have you tried software or firmware update for VSKTV102?

If still not worked with update then I would suggest you to get a Mini PC stick that will work with a SD display like I had years ago.

1 x Intel Compute Stick - Intel Atom, 32GB, HDMI, Computing Dongle - Windows 8.1 £119.99
Total : £119.99 (includes shipping : Ex.VAT).

Many thanks all, after a bit of deliberation i've ordered a quantam compute stick with win 8.1 and a bluetooth keyboard/mouse. I am assuming I won't have problems setting the res. Will let you know when it arrives later in the week.

Thanks again
All - quick update.

PC stick is up and running a treat - netflix, now tv, 4od etc all running fine, plus through the sonos via the 3.5mm jack. Mission accomplished!

Thanks for all the help.
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