I've had my SD37P2 for a while now, currently running 24/7 stable with an E6600, 2GB PC6400, Geforce 8800gts 320 and 2 raid0 raptors on Vista64.
What are peoples experiences with overclocking the CPU on this platform? I've been loath to try anything because I'm unsure about the PSU (400W) being able to cope.
Any tips and stories would be very appreciated, thanks.
I've had my SD37P2 for a while now, currently running 24/7 stable with an E6600, 2GB PC6400, Geforce 8800gts 320 and 2 raid0 raptors on Vista64.
What are peoples experiences with overclocking the CPU on this platform? I've been loath to try anything because I'm unsure about the PSU (400W) being able to cope.
Any tips and stories would be very appreciated, thanks.