SE W800i Software

18 Oct 2002
Evening peeps.....

Has anyone got a clue which folder you have to place your MP3's in on the memory stick to get the phone to pick them up and add them to the music library. I've tried the MP3 folder and the audio one buried in a different folder but it simply won't pick up the tracks. I even reverted to a flat file system in case it was having problems with that.

Any suggestions guys?
MP3 folder is the one I place mine into with no problem.
I did have one folder that it wouldn't pick up, kept coming up with an error. Restarted the phone and it detected it then.
You need to use this folder structure if your dropping direct onto the phone...

*Phone*:\MP3\*Artist*\*Album* (eg: M:\MP3\Rammstein\Mutter\)

Then the phone will (should) pick up your music!...
Cheers guys, it's picking it up now but won't copy 512mb in one go. It fell over after 120mb. gonna have to copy the rest in stages.

removable drive (via my computer)


Media files


i put mine in that audio folder. once you know the route to the folder you need to save things to its a lot easier than using the software.
I must admit I've been less them impressed when copying files directly to the W800i.
In the end I went out and bought one of those 21-in-1 card readers - plug into your USB port, cost about £10.
Just plug the Memory Stick into that and drag the files over that way - nice and quick due to it being USB2 and not had a problem no matter how much data I've been transferring in one go.
Yep... To be honest, its always best to use an external (or internal on my 'poota) Card Reader!... Much Faster, and doesn't rely on the connection to the phone!...
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