SE W810i Annoying Feature

8 May 2006
Hey guys

Hey guys, I've just got myself a W810i today and think its a great little phone, however I've got one annoyance with it, whenever its in camera mode when you turn the light on it stays on constantly for about 5 seconds then begins to flash on and off. Is there any way of stopping this so the light will just stay on permanately when I'm taking pictures??


Hmm will have to keep an eye on that forum, everyone who has posted there seems to have the same problem as me so perhaps it is an issue with the W810...

for now I'll just have to stick to my temp fix of holding the * key, bit annoying having to do it everytime just to get the light to stay on but I can live with it for now.

Might give o2 a call tomorrow and see what they have to say

Well after more messing around with it I discovered holding the * key in camera mode only works about 50% of the time.

Started doing a little more research into this problem on the electrical interweb and there's people in other forums who have said that the new firmware R4CK (I think thats the name of it lol) fixes this problem.

We'll see about that when it is relased in the UK :rolleyes:

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