Seasonal agriculture work

16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
Does anybody have any contact details for the agricultural work that people keep banging on about? Thanks.
Look on local Facebook groups
I see it getting posted on buy/sell /swap sites
Apparently this year with brexit and covid19 workers are in short supply compared to normal
good question,they keep banging on about shortages but when you search ,not much comes up ,mitchel fruit farm ( relatively near me ia one i have found they say

Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement and help. We have been truly humbled by all the offers of help and time. We are lucky in as much as the season doesn’t start for another 5 weeks and who knows what the situation will be then?!

If you are enquiring after work, please only message in May. We can not give you any further information at this time. Best wishes from all of us at MFG and stay safe!

P.S This is nothing to do with Pick Your Own. That’s a whole other game plan we have yet to learn about but we will keep you updated as and when we find out more
It will depend where you are
It's early in the season for picking
Though here they can grow cauliflower all year round
So location will matter this early in the year
I just did a search online around here (I'm in a pretty rural area) and found 1 job - loads and loads for warehouse pickers though LOL. I've actually not seen or heard anything around here, in fact the local farms are running tight as they can on staff in the current situation, though it is more "proper" farming (cows, cereals, etc.) country than fruit/veg growing.
On TV they said there was a 60-70k shortfall in workers due to Eastern europeans not coming over. The example site was asparagus farming.
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