Seasonal variations in car prices - MX5

18 Oct 2002
North Wales
I'm just wondering if and when the "Summer" effect on MX5's, and similar cars actually begins to kick in, or is it a myth? As I've heard many people mention that prices start to climb as summer kicks in.

Also, how much would this alter the car's price by in the 5,000 - 7,000 price bracket?

I see the reasons why it is/might be the case, but I'm finding it hard to quantify the effect.

A few hundred quid maybe? But nothing substantial?
No, I wouldn't expect it to be that much :p

Reason I ask is that there is a chance of a near swap deal against an MX5 at the moment. I'd have to stump up a few hundred, but I think it would be easier to sell than my current shed if I didn't like it - and selling in mid-summer when it's more in demand would give me a little head room money wise maybe.

Hmmm...only a 1.6 though :(
Koncordski said:
Thats too much money for a 99 1.6 in that colour. You can do better.

Edit just read the post properly. You should be able to get a 1.8 for 5.5k anyways.

Probably, but I wouldn't necasarily get the same trade in for my car.

If I could get my money back in July, if I sold it - then that'd do me.
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