So I bought one of the above a couple of years back after my old PSU gave up the ghost. Deliberately picked what I thought was top end for my needs - only running 1 GTX980 on a 2500k so don't need a 750W+ monster!
Annoyingly over the last few months its been getting louder and louder, which I guess is a form of coil whine, albeit coming from the PSU itself rather than eg the GFX card.
Any suggestions on what I replace it with? I guess it's still under warranty but it's going to cost £££ to send it off plus I don't have a spare PSU to use in the meantime (who does?!) and nothing having a PC for weeks isn't really an option
Feeling a bit burnt having splashed out on a platinum model before, so maybe better going for a slightly cheaper gold model with one of those fans that only kicks in after a certain level? At idle my PC is 180W measured at the wall and silence is the most important factor for me.
Annoyingly over the last few months its been getting louder and louder, which I guess is a form of coil whine, albeit coming from the PSU itself rather than eg the GFX card.
Any suggestions on what I replace it with? I guess it's still under warranty but it's going to cost £££ to send it off plus I don't have a spare PSU to use in the meantime (who does?!) and nothing having a PC for weeks isn't really an option
Feeling a bit burnt having splashed out on a platinum model before, so maybe better going for a slightly cheaper gold model with one of those fans that only kicks in after a certain level? At idle my PC is 180W measured at the wall and silence is the most important factor for me.