Second Hand Car Wesbite

I have a grand for my first car, so I need to start lookin :D

NickXX said: is very good.

If you don't live anywhere near london, then just use

Yeah, I live in the north east m8. When ever I try autotrader they never seem to updated there website and when I right they say there car had been sold weeks ago. :s
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Yeah, Ive been gettin that the last few weeks (Thursday), but when I find some thing decent, I ring up that night but most of them have been sold. :(
Try jennings, they have a good used range, also carcraft in leeds is equivelent to cargiant , google will get you both, out of interest, what are you looking for, anything inparticular?
Forbidden said:
I have a grand for my first car, so I need to start lookin :D

Yeah, I live in the north east m8. When ever I try autotrader they never seem to updated there website and when I right they say there car had been sold weeks ago. :s

I think thats more to do with when your putting a car on there, you pay for a certain amount of weeks for how ever long you want it up, all in advance, otherwise its a lot more expensive to keep repaying.

Theres also which lets you search by just the adds put on within the last few days and theres , which I believe gets its cars from local newspapers.
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