Secure Boot query

7 Oct 2003
Is it possible to enable Secure Boot on a Windows 10 install without having to reinstall the OS? Googling the subject seems to provide a few contradictory answers.

My current Win 10 Pro installation does not have Secure Boot enabled, and I wondering if it's possible (or even necessary?) to enable Secure Boot without wrecking my current setup prior to the Win 11 roll out in Oct.

Does anyone know if having Secure Boot enabled is actually a requirement of Win 11, or is having a Secure Boot capable system only necessary?
Yes, should be fine. If you have problems just go back and turn it off again. I enabled all the required options the other day and have had no issues.

Might be worth checking with your motherboard manufacturer as you may require a BIOS update.
Thanks for the reply, I’ll give it a go!

im on a pretty recent bios for my x570 tomahawk so I’m hoping that’ll be ok
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