Security Advice

10 Nov 2003
Surrey, by the river

I'm moving offices in the next couple of weeks and I'll no-longer have the benefit of a nice secure underground car park in which to park my push bike. Instead it's going to be in an open car park on the side of busy main road; plenty of opportunity to thieves. There is security on site but I expect them to rhyme with site.

So, I need a new chain and motorbike security chains seem to be the ones to go for and so this seems the right place to get some advice.

I'll be locking the bike to a standard Sheffield stand and I was looking at a 1.5m Almax Series IV with a Squire SS65CS lock.

Anyone got any experience or recommendations? I've tried using search but my term-fu has failed me.
Can't you put your bike in your office? surely security should have somewhere to store it for you

Nope, they supply outside parking for bikes in the shape of the sheffield stands and so bikes are not allowed in the building. The company is large (upwards of 4,000 people in buildings across three campus in a half mile area) and a lot of people cycle to work (upwards of 10%); the company has it's own cycling club. As a result if they let one person do it then lots of people will want to do it.

In most buildings the security is excellent but the building I'll be in is off the main campus and is a shared serviced office. As a result they have less control over the services on offer.

The situation is what it is, unfortunately. I'm not going down the route of buying a lesser bike as I want to use it for training with the club after work (and I'm currently at S-1 bikes, where S is the number of bikes likely to result in separation from my wife).
That looks like bolt croppers would work make pretty easy work of it. I've seen 42" croppers go though an Oxford Monster in around 20secs. Also, there looks to be plenty of room in that padlock for it to be attacked.

The bike i'm looking to protect is about £2,000 (although it's suitably disguised) so I'm looking at the higher end of the market.
I don't think any bike lock is immune to a determined thief with the right tools. It's a deterrent game. If your bike is locked up nice and tight with an alarmed disc lock next to a similar bike with a cheapo lock, which one is the opportunistic thief going to steal?

If there's a bloke who's seen your nice shiny bike a couple of times before, returned to the bike sheds with tools and a van, then you never had any chance anyway.

Realistically, if my push bike cost that much, I'd just get a cheap manky one to ride into work. Obviously this causes issues with your wife, but surely losing a £2000 bike and having to buy another one is going to cause more issues?

Absolutely. I think security is good enough that an their won't have very long and won't be able to bring in heavy / noisy tooling so I'm just defending against.

Buying a cheaper bike defeats the point of cycling to work, unfortunately. The parts on the bike are relatively low valued and the frame itself is de-branded and is plain metal in order to look cheap though I might slap some reflective tape all over it to increase the disguise.

Will look though the disc locks as they look a good idea, certainly to attract security guards.

Edit: disc lock is no good; no discs.
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