See Through Case

29 Nov 2006
What is everybodys opinion on them?


I saw this pic on the forums here and never knew they existed before - tbh I have never thought of the concept of a see through pc case :cool: I am close to buying one for my new system.
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If done right, then hey can look great. For example the Orac 3 mod is stunning;


They do however require you to be a master of cable tyding, otherwise they just look a mess IMO. If you like them though, then go for it I say.
Remove competitors my friend quick!

I think they look great especially with neon/cold cathodes in.
very annoying if you got cathodes and have it in your room and keep it on at would have to put a sheet over it at night lol
CHUDS said:
very annoying if you got cathodes and have it in your room and keep it on at would have to put a sheet over it at night lol

Or just turn them off.
If you route the wires well, I mean very well, then acrylic cases can look amazing. But I still prefer a decent aluminium case.
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CHUDS said:
what's the cooling like in them? i assume not the best

Should be very similar to any other case really. Thermal transfer through the case itself isn't that actually that great, even if the case is made out of aluminium .
take a look at the mountain mods range i have the bobslay case and is excellent and have got around five degrees cooler system temps :)
The best one I have seen so far was a custom etched one :) it looked amazing, but I can't remember what the site was and am not sure where I put the pics :(.

Doesn't perspex hold the heat in tho? :)
very very ugly imo

edit: in fact, now i remember it, a friend had one of these, looked absolutely gob**** cables all over the place, no where to hide them as you can see everything, DUST!, looks cheap and a million other things that made it highly undesirable.
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