Again thanks
This is so easy to resolve i.e put skid block wear test on the front wing of all the cars.
The blocks will be mounted on the end plates of the front wing. If the blocks wear out it's to low.
Ah, okay.
So once again, the famously pro-Ferrari FIA instructs Ferrari to change their car. Ho hum.
From your second link:
Indeed. And nothing was 'found' on the Red Bull car. So how come Ferrari had to change their wings and Red Bull don't?
LOL Red Bull International Assistance LOL
Not strictly true - the FIA have let a lot of things go in the last 10 - 20 years since I have been watching that isnt strictly legal (for one team or another)
Either the FIA are being purposefully stupid (wouldnt surprise me) or there is no point at all of all their little methods of making the cars slower over the last few years (tyre wear and formulation / design , limitiing engine revs etc etc)
Some kind of (reversed) hydrolic / powered pivot close to the front wing mounting point (while stationary there is no power/ hydrolics so wing is as high as possible) Must be something like that - Im just surprised it hasnt leaked somehow or another team has worked out over the winter how to do it.
This must be one of the longest running developements that hasnt been discovered / copied by another team
Just goes to show the test itself is wrong rather than anything else
Well Im glad to see Andy Warhol was right - even though in this case I will be lucky if its 15 seconds rather than minutes
Thanks for the article very interesting read
Hadnt heard about the HRT nose at all
Chuckled at the mention of Brawn (because Brawn himself mentioned the possibility of the DD in technical group 6 months+ before the Brawn hit the track for the 1st time)
I hope there is no tangle between the rb drivers this year, would hate to lose nuts again, good find