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18 Sep 2003
The proper way would be to set the expires HTTP header to something in the past. How you do this would depend on what programming language you're using. If you're not using a server-side language and it's just static HTML files, then you should be able to set your webserver up to do it if you have access to your webserver's configuration, but again, how you do that would depend on what web server software you're running. If it's a static file and you can't change any webserver settings, then there is a meta tag you can add to the head of the page.

So the short answer is yes, but how you do it depends on what setup you're using.
18 Sep 2003
There are actually various different meta tags you can use. I'd say just go with this:

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1">

But if you want to read about the other ways, and pros and cons etc., here's a link.

Whatever way you pick, it won't be 100% effective because if your pages goes through an ISP's proxy server, it might cache it as proxy servers don't tend to read the content of the page.
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