Seeking advice of the almighty 8 pack!

10 Jan 2012
First of all, grats on the job :cool:

Atm I have my CPU OC'd to 4.2 using the auto overclocking on my board (in sig) which changes the v-core depending on the load (forgot what its called), voltage goes up to 1.302v while under load and goes down to like 1.100v while idling.

Anyway, I'll be changing to a ASRock Z77E-ITX MB soon(ish) and wondering on the best thing to do for OC'ing. Ive looked at the load optimized CPU OC setting in the bios,3048-2.html, would this be OK to use (assuming one of them would be stable) and it doesn't push too many volts?
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Mmmm ok.
Just out of curiosity, what kind of volts are typical for a 2500k?
Just want a volt target to not go past.
Also should I use prime to test? and how long? what settings? keep hearing different things...
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