seeking dreamweaver/IE weirdness fix/workaround

5 Jun 2005
Hello all

A friend of mine is having an odd problem with some of the pages on the site he's looking after (he's not a web dev, this is just something he does as an aside to his normal job.) Anyway, some of the pages on the site seems to push the text and image "down" when you're resizing the window, and on some resoultions of screen this happens by default. The problem *only* occurs with IE, not with Firefox. I've had a quick look but ain't really a web-dev either and in any case haven't run accross this one before. So I'm hoping one of you that know dreamweaver and IE can say "Ah yes, seen that before, just tweak such and such in the template to fix/work around it." The template he uses is the "halo left nav" template. A page in question where the behaviour can be seen is here: Us/Structure.html

When resizing the window, particularly when the window border crosses that of the image, IE for some reason shoves it and the title text down in the browser for no apparent reason. Firefox just sprouts scrollbars as you'd expect.

Any suggestions?
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