Seen as it's not cheap to keep up

9 Jan 2005
I was just letting my mind wonder and started thing about daft stuff and ................

Do any of you guys go oh well to keep up with the best cpus and graphics cards is really expensive so find something you can keep up with easier. I was thinking is there people that go for being a storage uber masters. :D Harddives don't seem to keep improving as fast as other thing so it seems like a cool thing to go crazy with. :)

Do you know any storage nutters that have 1000s of Gbs of storage?
Them WD Sata 16mb cache 500Gb harddrives look good value just under £190 I think they were last time I looked.

Siders77 said:
What the hell do you download?! I've had my PC for just over a year and a half now and I still have 26.8GB left on my 40GB HDD and 25.4GB left on my 80GB HDD.

I don't think I'll ever be able to fill up all of it. :confused:

If you like editing videos and so on I guess that can take up masses of space on a harddrive. I remeber when I used an analog TV card and I recored in uncompressed AVI I think it was and it was like 20Gb for a few mins of recording lol.

Now I record DVB TV in mpeg 2 it's a lot less storage hungery but if you record a full series of TV show you like again a lot of Harddrive space will be needed.
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I tend to back things up on my external harddrive. I only have a 320 and a 120Gb harddrive now I did have a WD raptor but it broke. Dam Sata brack easy :(
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